We know the coronavirus affects the respiratory system, and as respiratory physiotherapists, our job involves helping people with breathing problems.

At this time more than ever, people will need help from skilled practitioners, like respiratory physios, who specialise in the field of breathing. Many healthcare professionals around the world are also rapidly upskilling in the respiratory field in order to help.

During the pandemic, and for many months (and perhaps years) afterwards, the respiratory physio’s role is going to be crucial in helping people recover.

This may involve (but is by no means limited to):

  • rehabilitation for those who have spent prolonged periods in intensive care on mechanical

  • weaning from mechanical ventilation so that people can breathe on their own again;

  • continuing to manage those with underlying lung conditions who contract COVID-19;

  • rehabilitation for the frail who will be immobile for months on end;

  • managing those left with lung disorders as a result of the virus;

  • helping those with anxiety disorders, breathing pattern problems or hyperventilation syndrome as a result of the trauma.

Our physios are working on the front line helping people in hospital, and virtually to support those unwell at home. We ask that you respect the current guidelines from the government in order to protect the nhs, all the nhs staff, and most of all you.